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Eitan Steinberg: Compositions
איתן שטיינברג: רשימת יצירות

visit also Eitan Y. Steinberg on Spotify

Full list, by categories:
:רשימה מלאה, לפי קטגוריות
Partial list, by major compositional themes in his works:
רשימה חלקית, לפי תחומי-עניין מרכזיים ביצירותיו

Full list, by categories:
:רשימה מלאה, לפי קטגוריות

Chamber Operas, Music-Theater, Interdisciplinary Projects

אופרות קאמריות, תיאטרון-מוסיקה, פרויקטים בינתחומיים



Music for video-art, 2020 [ca. 7.5’]

Voice & 5 instruments (recorders, cello, double bass, guitar, percussion).

Video: Etty BenZaken | Created as part of Modalius ensemble’s “Whole World” video & music project | Online premiere: Israel Music Fest & “Poem Ba’lev” Concert Series, Dec. 2020 | Big screen premiere: "Epos" - The International Festival of art and culture in The Tel Aviv Cinemateque, 2022.

Video >>

Audio on Spotify >>

Audio on BandCamp >>

משלחת חיפוש 220

Search Expedition 220

Chamber opera, 2019 [ca. 60’]

6 voices & 10 instruments (flute, clarinet, violin, viola, cello, double bass, guitar, lute, 2 percussions)

Text: multi-lingual fragments edited by Etty BenZaken | Directing, design, fabric art-works: Etty BenZaken |  Premiere: Etty BenZaken & "Alma” Vocal ensemble, Modalius ensemble, conductor: Eitan Steinberg, Israel Music Fest, Tel Aviv Museum of Art, 2019.

Video - excerpt >>

Video - full >>


סגולה להרחבת הלב

Amulet for the Widening of the Heart

Sound design for installation, 2015 [loop of 30’]

Visual design and fabric art-works: Etty BenZaken | Commission: Van Leer Jerusalem Institute and the Polonsky family | Premiere: "What is Memory? 70 Years Later," art exhibition at Van Leer Jerusalem Institute, Israel, Apr. 2015.

Video - excerpt 1 >>

Video - excerpt 2 >>

Audio - full >>



The Fool

Miniature-opera, 2007 [ca. 30’]

Voice, viola, percussion (chamber version of “The Fool Who Loved Singing”).

Text: Etty BenZaken (English) | Directing, design: Etty BenZaken | Commission: New England Conservatory of Music, Boston, USA. | Premiere: Etty BenZaken (singer-actress), Kim Kashkashian (viola), Robyn Schulkovsky (Percussion), Musik Triennale Festival, Köln, Germany, May 2007 | Recorded and broadcasted live by WDR, the German radio.  


השוטה שאהב לשיר

The Fool Who Loved Singing     

Music-Theater, 2006 [ca. 30’]

Voice, narrator, dancer & 7 instruments (2 recorders, viola, cello, guitar, mandolin, percussion).

Text: Etty BenZaken (English & Hebrew) | Directing, design: Etty BenZaken | Commission: Voice of Music Festival in Upper Galilee, Israel | Premiere: Etty BenZaken (singer-actress), Joseph Shprinzak (narrator), Anat Shamgar (dancer) & the festival's ensemble. Conductor: Eitan Steinberg, Voice of Music Festival in Upper Galilee, 2006.

Video - excerpt >>

Video - full >>


סטאבט מאטר – תפילה אנושית

Stabat Mater – a Human Prayer

Music-Theater, 2004 [ca. 30’]

Voice, string quartet and 2 percussionists.

Text: Etty BenZaken, & traditional and folk texts (Hebrew, Arabic, English, Latin, Ladino) | Directing, design, fabric art-work: Etty BenZaken | Commission: Voice of Music Festival in Upper Galilee, Israel | Premiere: Etty BenZaken (singer- actress) & the Israeli Contemporary Quartet, Voice of Music Festival in Upper Galilee, Aug. 2004 | Recorded and broadcasted live at the Israeli premier, by the Israeli Radio | Documemted on video in Autumn Tbilisi Festival, Georgia, 2012 | Featured in the CD "BenZaken Sings Steinberg and Bardanashvili".

Video - excerpt >>

Video - full >>

Video (concert version) - full >>


הסולטן בהיריון

The Sultan is Pregnant

Music-Theater, 2002 [ca. 30’]

Voice & 7 instruments (2 recorder players, violin, viola, cello, harp, percussion. OR:  flute, clarinet, violin, viola, cello, harpsicord, ethnic percussion).

Text: Etty BenZaken (Hebrew, Arabic, English) | Directing, stage design: Etty BenZaken | Commission: Voice of Music Festival in Upper Galilee, Israel | Premiere: Etty BenZaken (singer-actress) & the festival's ensemble. Conductor: Eitan Steinberg, Voice of Music Festival in Upper Galilee, July 2002. | Recorded and broadcasted live at the premier, by the Israeli Radio and the Israeli TV.

Video - excerpt 1 >>

Video - excerpt 2 >>

Video - full >>

משחק הקלפים

The Card Game

Chamber opera, 1995 [ca. 60’]

5 singers-actors (soprano, mezzo-soprano, countertenor, tenor, baritone), dancer, 16 instruments (woodwind quartet, 3 violins, 2 violas, 2 celli, double bass, accordion, guitar, 2 percussion players).

Text: Etty BenZaken.


כחול עם זנב

Blue With Tail

Music for video-art, 1995 [ca. 26’]

Voice & 7 instruments (recorder, clarinet, string trio, guitar, percussion).

Text: E.E. Cummings, Dahlia Ravikovitch, Pinhas Sadeh (English, Hebrew) | Video: Marit Benisrael | Premiere: Jerusalem International Film Festival, Jerusalem, Israel, July 1996.

Audio - excerpt 1 “Waltz” >>

Audio - excerpt 2 “Hist Whist” >>


גוג ומגוג

Gog and Magog

Live music design for theater show, 1994 [ca. 40’]

12 actors-singers, using traditional Hassidic prayers.

Stage directing: Michal Govrin | Premier: Israel Festival, Jerusalem, Israel, May 1994.  


נסיכת חמשת הפנים

Princess of Five Faces

Music-Theater, 1994 [ca. 30’]

Voice & 7 instruments (recorder, string trio, lute, 2 percussionists).

Text: Etty BenZaken (Hebrew & English), inspired by “Dictionary of The Khazars” by Milorad Pavic | Directing, design, masks: Etty BenZaken | Premiere: Etty BenZaken (singer-actress) & the festival’s ensemble, Voice of Music Festival in Upper Galilee, Israel, July 1995 | Recorded and broadcasted live by the Israeli Radio.




Music for theater show, 1993 [ca. 15’]

Voice solo

Commissioned and performed by Theater Company Jerusalem.  


ריקוד הפנים של חווה

The Face Dance of Eve   

Music-Video, 1992 [ca. 11’]

Voice & 4 instruments (piccolo, violin, viola, cello).

Text, video: Marit Benisrael (English) | Premiere: Tel-Aviv Museum of Art, 1992. 

Orchestral Works

יצירות תזמורתיות

חלקיקים צפים בזמן

Particles Floating in Time

for orchestra (2023) [ca. 13']

Published by IMI, Israel Music Institute 

תהליכים קוסמיים בלב IV

Cosmic Progressions in the Heart IV

for chamber orchestra, 2017 [ca. 17’]

Published by IMI, Israel Music Institute | Premiere: Glasperlenspiel Sinfonietta. Conductor:  Andres Mustonen, Tartu, Estonia, July 2017.

תהליכים קוסמיים בלב III

Cosmic Progressions in the Heart III

for symphony orchestra, 2013 [ca. 17’]

Premiere: Tbilisi Symphony. Conductor: Vakhtang Kakhidze, Autumn Tbilisi Festival, Georgia, Oct. 2013.

Video >>


בחזרה לקניג שטראסה

The Return to Koenigstrasse

Viola concerto, 2011 [ca. 23’]

Commission: The Israeli Beer Sheva Sinfonietta | Published by IMI, Israel Music Institute | Premiere: Avshalom Sarid (viola), The Israeli Beer Sheva Sinfonietta. Conductor: Doron Salomon, Be'er Sheva, Israel, Dec. 2011.

Video >>

רעוא דרעוין (גרסה לקול ותזמורת)

Rava Deravin (orchestral version)

for voice & string orchestra, 2011 [ca. 17’]

Text: Ha’ari (Aramaic) | Commission: Tel-Aviv Soloists Ensemble | Premiere: Etty BenZaken (voice) & the Tel-Aviv Soloists Ensemble. Conductor: Barak Tal, Israel Music Fest, Rapaport Hall, Haifa, Israel, Oct. 2011.


תהליכים קוסמיים בלב I

Cosmic Progressions in the Heart I   

for chamber orchestra, 2008 [ca. 15’]

Commission: Israeli Camerata Orchestra, Jerusalem | Premier: Israel Camerata Jerusalem. Conductor: Avner Biron, Dec. 2008 | Featured in the CD "The Music Department, University of Haifa", 2011.

Audio >>


נהר השלום זורם שם

Where The Peace River Flows, 1997 [ca. 25’]

for voice, viola & orchestra (5 movements)

Text: Walt Whitman (English, Polish, Portuguese, Indonesian, Serbo-Croatian, Turkish, Arabic, Hebrew, Vietnamese, Korean) | Won the Nicola DeLorenzo Composition Award, USA, 1998.

Shorter version: (3 movements)

“Variousraspirations” 2004 [17']


for voice & symphony orchestra (with solo for the orchestra’s violist)


They Meet Again And Now They Dance

for symphony orchestra, 1997 [ca. 10’]

Premiere: UC Berkeley Symphony. Conductor: David Milnes, Hertz Hall, Berkeley, USA, April 1999.


בנקיק נסתר בצוקים איילה שותה מים (גרסה לקול, ויולה ותזמורת)

In a Hidden Cleft Among Cliffs a Gazelle Drinks Water (orchestral version)

for voice, viola & string orchestra, 1996 [ca. 10’]

Text: J. Papernikov, Garcia Lorca, Classical Bedouin, Boris Pasternak, Umberto Saba, Yona Wallach (Yiddish, Spanish, Arabic, Italian, Hebrew).


שיר חתונה   

Wedding Song

for symphony orchestra, 1994 [ca. 18’]

Won the Nicola DeLorenzo Composition Award, USA, 1995 | Published by IMI, Israel Music Institute.


שנטי – האחראי על השלום

Shanti – Who Is In Charge of Peace 

for symphony orchestra, 1993 [ca. 15’]

Won the Israel Philharmonic Award, 1994 | Published by IMI, Israel Music Institute | Premiere: Israel Philharmonic. Conductor: Gary Bertini, Tel-Aviv, Israel, Jan. 1994 | Recorded by the Israeli radio with Jerusalem Symphony and conductor Ilan Volkov, Sept. 1996.

Audio >>


תראי, יופי

Look, Beauty

for mezzo-soprano, rock singer, rock band & orchestra, 1992 [ca. 17’]

Text: Uzi Weill, Smadar Imor (Hebrew, English) | Premier: Etty BenZaken, Galit Florenz (vocalists), Tel-Aviv Symphony. Conductor: Itay Talgam, Tel-Aviv, Israel, Jan. 1993.

שיחות בגוף תשיעי

Conversations in the Ninth Person (strings version)

for string orchestra or 9 string instruments, 1988/91 [ca. 10’]

(Another version for mixed ensemble - see in Chamber Works)

Commission & premiere: Camerata String Orchestra, Jerusalem, Feb. 1988 | Published by IMI, Israel Music Institute | Recorded by the Israeli Radio.

Audio (9 strings version) >>

Chamber Works 

יצירות קאמריות

Motet a 6

Bass-flute, bass-clarinet, bassoon, violin, cello, piano, 2024  [ca. 9.5']

Composed for Meitar Ensemble | Published by IMI, Israel Music Institute.

Motet a 3

Bass-flute, bassoon, piano, 2023  [ca. 3']

Premier: Meitar Ensemble, Hecht Hall, University of Haifa, June 2023

A Narrative Evolves in Time-Space

String quartet, 2022 [ca. 10']

Published by IMI, Israel Music Institute Premier: Carmel Quartet, Hecht Hall, University of Haifa, Jan. 2023

Video >>

שיחות בגוף תשיעי

Conversations in the Ninth Person (chamber ensemble version)

for ensemble, 2021,(Flute, oboe, clarinet, basoon, 2 violins, viola, cello, double bass)

(Another version for string orchestra or string ensemble - see in Orchestral Works)

Published by IMI, Israel Music Institute | Premiered by Israeli Contemporary Players.

Audio with score (mixed ensemble version) >>


א שפליטער פון אין סוף

A Splinter of Infinity

for 3 male voices & 7 instruments, 2021 [ca. 10']

Alto flute (or bass recorder), oboe (or tenor shawm), tenor trombone, violin (or viola da gamba), cello (or double bass), box organ (or truhenorgel, continuo organ, electric organ), bass drum played by one of the singers.

Text: Avram Sutzkever (Yiddish) | Published by IMI, Israel Music Institute | Premier: Hortus Musicus Ensemble & conductor Andres Mustonen, MustonenFest, Tallinn, Estonia, Feb. 2022.

Video >>


Bagatella Molto Viva

for 6 instruments, 2018 [ca. 2’]

Flute, clarinet, violin, cello, piano, percussion.

Commissioned by & dedicated to Boston Musica Viva ensemble and to their conductor Richard Pittman, in celebration of the ensemble's 50th anniversary | Premiere: Boston Musica Viva, Boston, Oct. 2018.

Audio with score >>


שיר אֵם-הכלה

La madre de la novia

for voice & 10 instruments, 2018 [ca. 7’]

Voice, 2 recorders, 2 celli, double bass, guitar, lute, percussion

Text: Ladino folk song | Premier: Etty BenZaken & Modalius ensemble, Zucker Hall, Tel-Aviv, Dec. 2018




for voice & 4 instruments, 2017 [ca. 16’]

Voice, cello, double bass, guitar, percussion

Text: Tanikawa Shuntaro (English) | Published by IMI, Israel Music Institute Premiere: Etty BenZaken (voice) & Modalius ensemble. Conductor: Eitan Steinberg, Ha’teiva, Tel Aviv, March 2017.

Audio on Spotify >>

Audio on BandCamp >>




for voice & 7 instruments, 2016 [ca. 8’]

Voice, recorder, violin, cello, double bass, guitar, accordion, percussion

Text: Ronit Matalon (Hebrew) | Premiere: Etty BenZaken (voice) & Modalius ensemble. Israel Music Fest, Beer Sheva Oct. 2016.

Video >>

Audio on Spotify >>

Audio on BandCamp >>


גלים מעגליים

Circular Waves

Woodwind quintet, 2016 [ca. 8’]

Published by IMI, Israel Music Institute | Premiere: the Tel Aviv Quintet, Tel-Aviv, Sept. 2016.

Video, 2021 >>

Video, 2016 >>


התוועדות הנשמות

Assembly of the Souls

for voice & 7 instruments, 2014 [ca. 20’]

Voice, flute, clarinet, violin, cello, accordion, piano, percussion.

Text: from the Talmud, and by Abu al-Hassan al-Nuri (10th century) (Hebrew, Arabic) Commission: Boston Musica Viva & conductor Richard Pittman | Published by IMI, Israel Music Institute | Premier: Etty BenZaken (voice) & Boston Musica Viva ensemble. Conductor: Richard Pittman, Tzai Performance Center, Boston, USA, Sept. 2014.

Video >>


השתקפויות שקטות לכינור וויולה

Quiet Reflections for Violin & Viola, 2014 [ca. 20’]

Composed for a dance piece by Butoh dancer Maya Dunsky (“Table of Silence”) | Premiere: Yael Barolsky (violin) & Amit Landau (viola), Ha’teiva, Tel Aviv, Nov. 2014.

Audio >>


פרק לרביעיית כלי קשת, לבני נוער

Movimiento per Quarteto D'archi

for youth string quartet, 2014 [ca. 2’]

Commission: Israel Composers' League's project "Composing for young musicians" | Published by IMI, Israel Music Institute Premier: The youth string quartet of Tivon Conservatory, Tel-Aviv, June 2014.

Video, starts at 5:34 >>


יונים יונים

Yonim Yonim

for two female voices, 2013 [ca. 10’]

Studio version: recorded by Etty BenZaken & Anat Pick

Concert version: 2 voices & sound track | Premiere: Etty BenZaken & Anat Pick, Tel Aviv, Nov. 2014.

Audio on Spotify >>

Audio on BandCamp >>


דג זיכרון רוקד

Dancing Memory Fish

for voice and 10 instruments, 2012 [ca. 17’]

Voice, woodwind quartet, string quartet, double bass, percussion.

Text: Harold Schimell, 3 folk children songs (English, Arabic, German, Ladino) | Published by IMI, Israel Music Institute Premiere: Etty BenZaken (voice) and the Israeli Contemporary Players. Conductor: Ilan Volkov, Tel Aviv Museum of Art, June 2012.

Video >>


מדרגות הנסתר

Stairs of the Unknown

for voice & 5 instruments, 2009 [ca. 13’]

Voice, flute, clarinet, violin, cello piano.

Text: Raquel Chalfi (Hebrew) | Commission: Meitar ensemble, with the support of Tel Aviv Foundation for the Arts Premier: Etty BenZaken (voice) & Meitar ensemble. Conductor: Eitan Steinberg, Contempo New Music Festival, Tel Aviv, Jan. 2009 | Recorded and broadcasted live by the Israeli Radio | Featured in Etty BenZaken’s CD “Voice Drawings", 2013.

Audio >>

תהליכים קוסמיים בלב II

Cosmic Progressions in the Heart II

for 10 instruments, 2011 [ca. 13’]

Flute, oboe, clarinet, violin, viola, cello, double bass, piano, accordion, percussion.

Commission & premiere: ensemble El Perro Andaluz, Dresden, Feb. 2012 | Published by IMI, Israel Music Institute.

Video >>



for 2 female voices, 2006 [ca. 5’]

Text: E. E. Cummings (English) | Premiere: Etty BenZaken & Anat Pick (vocalists), Festival "Kola shel Ha-mila," Jerusalem, March 2006.

Video >>

Audio on Spotify >>

Audio on BandCamp >>




for a Shaman & 2 percussionists, 2005 [ca. 14’]

Text: Etty BenZaken (Imaginary language) | Premiere: Etty BenZaken (voice), Karen Phenpimon-Zehavi, Abe Doron (percussion players), Department of Theater, Tel-Aviv University, May 2004.

Audio >>


רעוא דרעוין (גרסה אינסטרומנטלית)

Rava Deravin (instrumental version)

for viola & string quartet, 2003 [ca. 16’]

Premiere: Kim Kashkashian (viola) & Kuss Quartet, Kronberg Viola Festival, Kronberg, Germany, May 2003 | Featured in "Neharot" CD, ECM Records, 2009.

CD Audio >>

את חילווה

At Chilwe

for voice & 6 instruments, 2003 [ca. 16’]

Voice, flute, Arabic violin, Viola, double- bass, percussion.

Text: Koby Viner (Hebrew, Arabic) | Commission: "Aley Shir" in memory of Dany Cohen | Premiere: Etty BenZaken (voice) & "Shesh Besh – the Arab-Jewish Ensemble", "Aley Shir" concert in memory of Dany Cohen, Kibbutz Mizra, Feb. 2003 | Featured in BenZaken’s CD “Voice Drawings", 2013.

CD Audio >>


נהר השלום

Peace River

for voice & 7 instruments, 2002  [ca. 15’]

Voice, flute, clarinet, violin, 2 violas, cello, piano (Chamber version of parts of the orchestral piece “Where The Peace River Flows”)   Text: Walt Whitman (Serbo-croatian, Turkish, Arabic, Hebrew, Portuguese, Polish, Vietnamese, English, Indonesian, Korean) | Premiere: Etty BenZaken (voice) & soloists from the Israel Philharmonic, “New Music Biennale” Tel Aviv Museum of Art, Tel-Aviv, Israel, Oct. 2002.


רעוא דרעוין

Rava Deravin

for voice & 6 instruments, 2001 [ca. 14’]

Voice, flute, clarinet, violin, viola, cello, piano.

Text: Ha’ari (Aramaic) | Premiere: Etty BenZaken (voice) &  Boston Musica Viva ensemble. Conductor: Richard Pittman, Boston, USA, Nov. 2002 | Featured in Eitan Steinberg’s CD "Rava Deravin – Boston Musica Viva in Eitan Steinberg's Chamber Works", 2002 | Featured in the CD "BenZaken sings Steinberg and Bardanashvili", 2010.

CD Audio >>

גשם שקוף

Transparent Rain

for voice & piano, 2001 [ca. 4’]

Text: Israel Pinkas (Hebrew) | Premiere: Etty BenZaken (voice) & Irena Friedland (piano), Haifa University, Feb. 2005 | Featured in Etty BenZaken’s CD “Voice Drawings", 2013.

Audio >>




for 6 instruments, 2000 [ca. 8’]

Flute, clarinet, violin, cello, piano, percussion.

Commission: Berkeley Contemporary Chamber Players | Premiere: by BCCP, University of California, Berkeley, April 2000 | Featured in Eitan Steinberg’s CD "Rava Deravin – Boston Musica Viva in Eitan Steinberg's Chamber Works", 2002.

CD Audio >>



for guitar quartet, 2000 [ca. 10’]

Commission: San Francisco Guitar Quartet | Published by IMI, Israel Music Institute.


for 8 voices & 15 instruments and 8 voices, 1999 [ca. 17’]

2 sopranos, 2 altos, 2 tenors, 2 basses, 2 flutes, clarinet, bass clarinet, 2 horns, 2 violins, 2 violas, double bass, mandolin, guitar, accordion, percussion.


Talk Talk Talk

for strings trio, 1997 [ca. 5’]

Commission: Jerusalem Academy of Music and Dance | Published by IMI, Israel Music Institute | Premiere: at the Jerusalem Academy of Music and Dance, March 1998, Jerusalem, Israel | Featured in Eitan Steinberg’s CD "Rava Deravin – Boston Musica Viva in Eitan Steinberg's Chamber Works", 2002.

Video >>

CD Audio >>


שני סבים שרים

Two Grandfathers Sing

for flute and string quartet, 1996 [ca. 11’]

Premiere: Rami Tal (flute) & Musica Nova ensemble, Tel-Aviv, Israel, May 1996 | Featured in Eitan Steinberg’s CD "Rava Deravin – Boston Musica Viva in Eitan Steinberg's Chamber Works", 2002.

CD Audio >> 

Video >>

בנקיק נסתר בצוקים איילה שותה מים

In a Hidden Cleft Among Cliffs a Gazelle Drinks Water  

for voice & viola, 1985/1996 [ca. 10’]

Text: various poets (multi lingual) | Premiere: Etty BenZaken (voice) & Michelle Dulak (viola), Hertz Hall, Berkeley, Oct. 1996 | Featured in Eitan Steinberg’s CD "Rava Deravin – Boston Musica Viva in Eitan Steinberg's Chamber Works", 2002.

CD Audio >>

בהשראת שיר-חתונה בלאדינו

After a Ladino Wedding Song

for voice and 3 violas, 1994 [ca. 6’]

Text: Judeo-Spanish folk song from Morocco | Premiere: Etty BenZaken & UC Berkeley musicians, Hertz Hall, Berkeley, Nov. 1994.


La Vita di Sempre

for mezzo-soprano, 2 narrators & 11 instruments, 1987/93 [ca. 15’]

Voice, 2 narrators, woodwind quartet, trumpet, horn, string quartet, percussion.

Text: Inge Steinberg (Italian & French) | Premiere: Etty BenZaken (voice) & Musica Nova ensemble, Tel-Aviv, Israel, April 1994.

עיניים שקטות

Silent Eyes

for voice & 6 instruments, 1991 [ca. 10’]

Voice, recorder, string trio, ud, tabla.

Text: Yehuda Halevy, E.E. Cummings (Hebrew, English) | Premiere: Etty BenZaken (voice), Tel-Aviv, Israel, April 1991 | Recorded by the Israeli Radio.

Video excerpt >>


סמטה, ציפור ושלושה מלאכים

An Alley, A Bird And Three Angels

Mezzo-soprano, clarinet, 2 violins, viola, piano, 1991 [ca. 10]

Text: Lea Goldberg | Premiere: Etty BenZaken & ensemble, as part of the “Music Now” series, Tel Aviv Museum of Arts, April 1992.


האיש הזקן שאמר 'למה'

The Old Man Who Said ‘Why’

for mezzo-soprano & 9 instruments, 1990 [ca. 15’]

Voice, woodwind quartet, string quartet, percussion.

Text: E.E. Cummings, Traditional Sephardic poem, Dante Alighieri, Else Lasker Schuler, Galit Florenz, Antonio Machado (English, Ladino, Italian, German, Hebrew, Spanish) | Premiere: Etty BenZaken (voice) & Musica Nova ensemble. Conductor: Itay Talgam, Tel-Aviv Museum of Art, Tel-Aviv, Israel, Nov. 1990 | Recorded by the Israeli Radio.

Audio >>




for voice & 3 instruments, 1989 [ca. 10’]

Voice, soprano saxophone, accordion, guitar.

Text: 3 folksongs, alongside text by E. E. Cummings (Arabic, Bulgarian, English, Ladino) | Published by IMI, Israel Music Institute | Premiere: Etty BenZaken (voice), Rachel Yatskan (saxophone), Daniel Akiva (guitar), Naftaly Aharoni (accordion), Tel-Aviv, Israel, March 1990 | Recorded by the Israeli Radio.

Audio >>

זכרונות עתיד

Future Memories

for trombone, 2 pianos, 2 percussion players, 1985 [ca. 12’]  

Premiere: Jerusalem Rubin Academy, June 1985.     

Choral Works

יצירות למקהלה



for male choir, solo cellist, small organ, 2024  [ca. 10']

Text: from the Talmud Published by IMI, Israel Music Institute.

In die salutis 

for mixed choir, 2023 [ca. 7']

Commission: Udiana Choir & conductor Anat Aharoni

Text: from the biblePublished by IMI, Israel Music Institute Premier: Udiana choir conducted by Anat Aharoni, March 2024, Harduf, Misgav, Jerusalem, Tel-Aviv.

Audio >>

סוד הכוונה

Sod Hakavana ("The Secret of Intention")

for 6 choirs & percussion ensemble, 2014 [ca. 25’]

3 mixed choirs, 3 children choirs, 5 percussion players

Text: various poets (multi lingual) | Commission: Israel's Ministry of Culture and Sport | Published by IMI, Israel Music Institute | Premiere: Israeli and Estonian choirs, Tremolo percussion ensemble. Conductor: Andres Mustonen, “Mustonen Fest” Tallinn-Tel-Aviv Festival, Ashdod and Tel-Aviv, Israel, Feb. 2018.  

Video >>




for mixed choir, 2010 [ca. 7’]

Text: multi lingual fragments (Hebrew, English, Latin) Commissioned and premiered by "Kolot Hasade" choir. Conductor: Anat Aharoni, Israel, May 2010.

Video >>


טוב מאד להיות

Very Good To Be

for youth mixed choir, 2004 [ca. 8’]

Text: Etty BenZaken (Hebrew) | Commission & premiere: "Nofar" choir, conductor: Miri Sadeh, Karmiel, 2004.


Arvoles lloran Por Luvias

for mixed choir, 1999 [ca. 4’]

Text: Judeo-Spanish folk song (in Ladino) | Premiere: Romeo and Julia choir, Stockholm, Sweden, 2000.


תפילת הבעל שם טוב

The Prayer of The Ba’al Shem

for mixed chorus, 1998 [ca. 4’]

Text: traditional (in Hebrew) | Commission: Northern California Board of Cantors | Premiere: 4th Annual Bay Area Jewish Choral Fest, San Francisco, March 1998.


פיוט מרוקאי

Moroccan Poem

for children’s chorus, 1993 [ca. 2’]

Text: Erez Biton (Hebrew) | Commissioned and published by the Israeli National Council of Culture and Art Premier: the 1994 Children Chorus Workshop, Tel-Aviv, Israel, May 1994. Recorded by the Israeli Radio.

לשוט מהחלום

Sails Out of Sleep

for mixed chorus, 1989 [ca. 11’]

Text: E. E. Cummings, Inge Steinberg, Rivka Miriam, Else Lasker Schuler, Guillaume Apollinaire, Antonio Machado (English, Italian, Hebrew, German, French, Spanish) | Premiere: Tel-Aviv Museum of Art, Tel-Aviv, Israel, April 1991.

Audio >>

Solo Works

יצירות סולו


Air Plays Water

Bass flute & electronics, 2022 [ca. 9']

Premier: Daphna Itzhaky, Hecht Hall, University of Haifa, Jan. 2023

Video >>

Air Drawings

רישומי אוויר

Bass clarinet solo, 2020 [ca. 7’]

Published by IMI, Israel Music Institute Premiere: Jonathan Hadas, as part of Israel Composer’s League clarinet-solo project, Feb. 2021.

Video with score >>




Cembalo solo, 2020 [ca. 1’]

Recording premiere: Hagai Yodan, as part of his 1-minute project, Feb. 2021.

Audio with score >>

התבוננות רכה על הדרך

Tenderly Looking Over the Path

Piano solo, 2019 [ca. 7’]

| Published by IMI, Israel Music Institute | Premiere: Shira Legmnn, Feb. 2021.

Video >>


מרחק שקוף

Transparent Distance

Organ solo, 2011 [ca. 12’]

Premiere: Yuval Rabin, Hecht Auditorium, University of Haifa, Haifa, Israel, February 2012 | Featured in the CD "Highlights of the 2011/12 Organ Recital Series, University of Haifa, 2013.”

Audio >>


שפה זרה

Safa zara (“Foreign Language”)

Voice solo, 2009 [ca. 3’]

Text: Yehuda Amichai | Premiere: Etty BenZaken, Duke University, NC, USA 2009


אירועים פנימיים קטנים

Little Inner Events

Harp solo, 2008 [ca. 8’]

Commission: Harp & Zamir Society, the 17th International Harp Contest, Israel | Published by IMI, Israel Music Institute | Premiere: Gittit Boazson (harp), Felicia Blumenthal Center, May 2009.

Audio >>


איפה תעינו, תודה רבה

Where Did We Go Wrong, Thank You

Voice solo, 2003 [ca. 13’]

Text: Dan Pagis (Hebrew) Premiere: Etty BenZaken (voice), Hecht Hall, Haifa, May 2003 | Featured in BenZaken’s CD “Voice Drawings", 2013.

Video >>

Audio >>


צעדי מלאך

Angel’s Steps

Piano solo, 1998 [ca. 11’]

Published by IMI, Israel Music Institute Premiere: Sarah Cahill (piano), Hertz Hall, Berkeley, May 1999.

Video >>


שתי שנים ומחצה

For Two and a Half Years

Voice & electronics, 1995 [ca. 6’]

Text: from the Talmud (Hebrew) | Premiere: Etty BenZaken (voice), CNMAT - Center for New Music and Audio-Technology, Berkeley, Dec. 1995.




Piano solo, 1994 [ca. 8’]

Commission: the Jerusalem Museum Music Series, Jerusalem, Israel | Premiere: Sarah Cahill (piano), ODC Gallery, San Francisco, Nov. 1996.

Audio >>


מצבי רוח


Mandolin solo, 1987 [ca. 6’]

Premiere: Yonatan Roshfeld (mandolin), Tel-Aviv, Israel, Dec. 1987.


חסרי משקל


Easy pieces for piano solo 1987 [ca. 5’]

Published by IMI, Israel Music Institute 


ארבע תמונות לגיטרה סולו

Four Pictures for Solo Guitar, 

Guitar solo, 1986 [ca. 6’]

Premiere: Shlomo Oz (guitar), Jerusalem, Aug. 1986 | Recorded by the Israeli Radio, Daniel Akiva (guitar).   

Video >>

Projects of Folk Songs Arrangements

פרויקטים של עיבודים לשירי-עם


The Streets of Our Childhood

ברחובות ילדותנו

14 arrangements of children folk songs and folk tales, 2017 [ca. 50’]

Voice, recorder, violin, cello, guitar, double bass, percussion.

Texts: folk songs (Hebrew, French, Ladino, Yiddish, English, Portuguese, Arabic, Italian) | Premiere: Etty BenZaken & Modalius ensemble, Israeli Music Festival, Zikhron Ya’akov, Sep. 2017. | Digital album expected in 2021.

Video excerpt “Meu pintinho amarelinho” >>

Full CD on Spotify >>

Full CD on BandCamp >>


At The Castle's Window

בחלון הטירה

9 arrangements of Spanish & Judeo-Spanish medieval songs, 2017 [ca. 20’]

Voice, recorder, lute, cello, percussion

Additional version:

Voice & 10 instruments (2 recorders, 2 celli, double bass, guitar, lute, percussion).

Texts: folk songs (Spanish, Ladino) Premiere: BenZaken & Modalius ensemble, Open University Concert Series, Feb. 2017.

Video excerpt 1 “Tres Morillas” >>

Video excerpt 2, Juan del Encina “Hoy Comamos” >>


Joy שמחה  فرحه

20 arrangements of folk songs from ethnic communities in Israel, alongside short early and contemporary pieces, since 2014 [ca. 60’]

Voice, recorder, Arabic violin, cello, guitar, double bass, percussion

Additional version (2 songs):

Voice, flute, clarinet, violin, cello, piano, percussion.

Texts: folk songs (Hebrew, Arabic, Malayalam, Juhuri, Russian, Yiddish, Ladino) and a text by John Cage | Premiere: Etty BenZaken & Modalius ensemble, Felicja Blumental International Music Festival, Tel Aviv Museum of Art, Tel Aviv, March 2014 | Released as a CD and digital album: “Joy שמחה  فرحه” 2010.

Video excerpt >>

Full CD on Spotify >>

Full CD on BandCamp >>


Folk Songs of Labor and Protest

שירי עבודה ומחאה

10 arrangements of folk songs for voice & guitar, 2009 [ca. 30’]

Texts: folk songs (English, Hebrew, Yiddish, Ladino) | Premiere: Etty BenZaken (voice) & Oded Shoub (guitar), the Inter-Universities Conference for Folklore Research, University of Haifa, May 2009.

Video excerpt >>

 I Love My Love

12 arrangements of folk songs, for voice & guitar, 2006 [ca. 45’]

Additional version (several songs): voice, recorder, guitar, cello, percussion.

Texts: folk songs (English, Hebrew, Ladino,Yiddish, Armenian, Spanish, Italian) | Premiere: Etty BenZaken (voice) & Oded Shoub (guitar), Fool-Wise Storytelling Festival, Malta, Dec. 2006 | Released as a CD: “I Love My Love” 2010.

Video excerpt >>


3 Medieval Dances

arranged for 10 instruments, 2005 [ca. 9’]

2 recorders, flute, oboe, clarinet, violin, viola, cello, 3 percussion players

Commission and premiere: Voice of Music Festival in Upper Galilee, Jul. 2005.


6 Folk Songs

arranged for voice and 7-10 instruments, 2005 [ca. 20’]

Texts: folk songs (Hebrew, Armenian, Ladino, Yiddish) | Premiere: Etty BenZaken (voice), Michael & Yael Melzer (recorders),Galia Hay (viola), Shmuel Elbaz (mandolin), Oded Shoub (guitar). Orit Messer (cello), Amnon Yoel (percussion), University of Haifa, the 32nd Annual Board Meeting.

Video excerpt >>


The Bride Unfastens Her Braids, The Groom Faints – Ladino Project

הכלה מתירה צמותיה, החתן מתעלף – פרויקט שירי-לאדינו

Large-scale project, arrangements of Judeo-Spanish folk songs, since 1998

Texts: folk songs (Ladino, Hekitiya)


  • 15 arrangements for voice & 10 instruments, 2018 [ca. 60’]

Voice, 2 recorders, 2 celli, double bass, guitar, lute, percussion.

Premiere: Etty BenZaken & Modalius ensemble, celebrating the 20th anniversary of Steinberg’s Ladino project, Zucker hall, Tel-Aviv, Dec. 2018.

Video – full concert >>

Double CD on Spotify: CD1>> CD2>>

Double CD on BandCamp >>

  • 12 arrangements for Voice & 10 instruments, 2014 [ca. 50’]

Voice, recorder, oboe, trombone, violin, gamba, double bass, harpsicord, 3 percussionists.

Premiere: Etty BenZaken (voice) & Hortus Musicus ensemble, Tallinn, Estonia, March 2014.

  • 2 arrangements for middle-eastern orchestra, 2009 [ca. 10’]

Commission and premiere: Middle-Eastern Ensemble, University of Texas, Austin, May 2010.

  • 8 arrangements for voice & symphony orchestra, 2008 [ca. 30’]

Premiere: Etty BenZaken & Haifa Symphony. Conductor: Omer Wellber, Haifa Auditorium, May 2008.

  • 14 arrangements for voice & guitar, 2006 [ca. 55’]

Premiere: Etty BenZaken (voice) & Oded Shoub (guitar). Tikotin Museum, Haifa, May 2007.

Video excerpt >>

  • 4 arrangements for voice & 10 instruments, 2005 [ca. 16’] 

Voice, recorders quartet, string quartet, 2 percussion players.

Commission & premiere: Renaissance Festival, Yechiam, Israel, Oct. 2005.

  • 11 arrangements for voice & chamber orchestra, 2004 [ca. 50’]

Commission: Israeli Chamber Orchestra | Premiere: Etty BenZaken (voice) & the Israeli Chamber Orchestra. Conductor: Eitan Steinberg, Tel Aviv Museum of Art, March 2004.

  • 12 arrangements voice & 4 instruments, 2002 [ca. 50’]

Voice, recorder, harp, cello, percussion.

Premiere: Etty BenZaken (voice), Michael Melzaer (recorders), Adina Haroz (harp), Amnon Yoel, The Voice of Music in Upper Galilee, 2002.

Video – full concert, part 2 >>

(part 1 temporarily not available)

  • 15 arrangements for voice & 4 instruments, 1998 [ca. 50’]

Voice, recorder, guitar, cello/gamba, percussion.

Premiere: Etty BenZaken (voice) & Yatán Atán ensemble, Hertz Hall, Berkeley, Oct. 1998 | Recorded and broadcasted live by the Israeli Radio | Recorded on Israel TV channel 2 | Relerased as a CD: "The Bride Unfastens Her Braids, the Groom Faints" New Albion Records, USA.,1999.

Video excerpt >>

Various Arrangements

עיבודים שונים

A Prayer, 2024 [ca. 6']

After the traditional melody of Kol Nidrey prayer

For violin solo and male choir Published by IMI, Israel Music Institute.

Six Haiku by John Cage, 2018 [ca. 5’]

Arranged for ensemble, from Cage’s solo piano sketches (1950-1951)

Recorder, cello, double bass, guitar, accordion.

Premiere: Modalius ensemble, cond.: Eitan Steinberg, Music Department, University of Haifa, May 2018.


Pari Intervallo by Arvo Part, 2017 [ca. 7’]

Arranged for voice & ensemble, from Part’s solo organ

Voice, flute, cello, double bass, guitar.

Premiere: Etty BenZaken & Modalius ensemble, Hateiva, Tel Aviv, March 2017.


"עד" מאת סשה ארגוב

“Ad” by Alexander Argov 2008 [ca. 4']

Arranged for string quartet, from Argov’s song

Premiere: the Israeli Contemporary Quartet, Spring Festival Rishon Letzion, April 2008.


La Passion Segun San Marco by Osvaldo Golijov (excerpts), 2005 [ca. 15’]

Arranged for voice & ensemble, from Golijov’s choir & large ensemble

Voice, string quartet, guitar, accordion, percussion

Commission: the International Spring Festival in Rishon Le'tzion, Israel | Premiere: Etty BenZaken (voice) and the festival’s ensemble. Conductor: Eitan Steinberg, April 2005.


Stabat Mater by Antonio Vivaldi, 2004 [25’]

Arranged for voice & string quartet, from Vivaldi’s voice & chamber orchestra

Premiere: Etty BenZaken (voice) & Israeli Contemporary Quartet, The Voice of Music Festival in Upper Galilee, 2004.


Articles by Eitan Steinberg

מאמרים מאת איתן שטיינברג


"השותפות בין מלחין ומבצעים ביצירותי"

בתוך כתב העת "פעימות" גיליון מס' 5, עמודים 113-128, 2022 הוצאת רסלינג

"The Partnership Between Composer and Performers in My Works" (in Hebrew)

In: Peimot - Israeli journal of Music, No. 5 (2022, Resling Publishing) pp 113-128.

Purchase the journal through "Resling Publishing" >>


"זיכרון ושיכחה בקומפוזיציה מוזיקלית"
בתוך ספר המאמרים "אבל הייתה שם אהבה: עיצוב זיכרון השואה", עמודים 230-244, 2021 הוצאת כרמל
"Remembering and Forgetting in Music Composition" (in Hebrew)
In: But There Was Love: Shaping The Memory of the Shoah (2021, Carmel Publishing) pp 230-244
Purchase the book through "Carmel Publishing" >>
"Rustles and Whispers from the Past: a Reflection on Inspiration of Folk Materials in my compositions 'Stabat Mater a Human Prayer' and 'Rava Deravin'" (in English)
In: Music and Dance in Time, the Jerusalem Academy of Music and Dance, Israel, 2014 pp 51-57
 "רחשים ולחשים מן העבר: התבוננות בהשראה עממית ביצירותי 'סטאבט מאטר תפילה אנושית' ו'רעוא דרעוין'" (באנגלית)
בתוך כתב העת של האקדמיה למוסיקה ומחול ירושלים, גיליון שנת 2014, עמודים 51-57
Read online, pages 51-57 >> 

Partial list, by major compositional themes in his works:
רשימה חלקית, לפי תחומי-עניין מרכזיים ביצירותיו

Voice, text, multi-lingual (selection)  

קול, טקסט, ריבוי-שפות (דוגמאות אחדות)



Spinning - for voice & ensemble, 2016 [ca. 8’]

Text: Ronit Matalon (Hebrew)

Video >>

Audio on Spotify >>

Audio on BandCamp >>

יונים יונים

Yonim Yonim- for two female voices, 2013 [ca. 10’] 

Audio on Spotify >>

Audio on BandCamp >>

Travvvveling - for 2 female voices, 2006 [ca. 5’] 

Text: E. E. Cummings (English)

Video >>

Audio on Spotify >>

Audio on BandCamp >>


Milmulin - for a Shaman & 2 percussionists, 2005 [ca. 14’]

Text: Etty BenZaken (Imaginary language)

Audio >>

בנקיק נסתר בצוקים איילה שותה מים

In a Hidden Cleft Among Cliffs a Gazelle Drinks Water - for voice & viola, 1985/1996 [ca. 10’]

Text: various poets (multi lingual) 

Audio >>

Morality, politics, Hebrew & Arabic (selection)  

מוסר, פוליטיקה, עברית וערבית (דוגמאות אחדות)

התוועדות הנשמות

Assembly of the Souls - for voice & ensemble [ca. 20’]

Text: from the Talmud, and by Abu al-Hassan al-Nuri (10th century) (Hebrew, Arabic)

Video >>

סטאבט מאטר – תפילה אנושית

Stabat Mater – a Human Prayer - Music-Theater, 2004 [ca. 30’] 

Text: Etty BenZaken, & traditional and folk texts (Hebrew, Arabic, English, Latin, Ladino)

Video (concert version) >>

את חילווה

At Chilwe - for voice & ensemble, 2003 [ca. 16’] 

Text: Koby Viner (Hebrew, Arabic)

Audio >>

איפה תעינו, תודה רבה

Where Did We Go Wrong, Thank You - for voice solo, 2003 [ca. 13’]

Text: Dan Pagis (Hebrew)

Video >>

Audio >>

הסולטן בהיריון

The Sultan is Pregnant - Music-Theater, 2002 [ca. 30’] 

Text: Etty BenZaken (Hebrew, Arabic, English)

Video excerpt >>

Lirical minimalism; Simultaneity (selection)  

מינימליזם לירי; בו-זמניות (דוגמאות אחדות)

Air Drawings

רישומי אוויר - Bass clarinet solo, 2020 [ca. 7’] 

Video >>

התבוננות רכה על הדרך

Tenderly Looking Over the Path - Piano solo, 2019 [ca. 7’] 

Video >>

תהליכים קוסמיים בלב II

Cosmic Progressions in the Heart II - for ensemble, 2011 [ca. 13’] 

Video >>

שנטי – האחראי על השלום

Shanti – Who Is In Charge of Peace - for symphony orchestra, 1993 [ca. 15’] 

Audio >>

Dialogue with folk/early music (selection)  

דיאלוג עם מוסיקה עממית/עתיקה (דוגמאות אחדות)

Travvvveling - for 2 female voices, 2006 [ca. 5’] Text: E. E. Cummings (English)

Video >>

Audio on Spotify >>

Audio on BandCamp >>

רעוא דרעוין

Rava Deravin - for voice & ensemble, 2001 [ca. 14’] Text: Ha’ari (Aramaic)

Audio >>

שני סבים שרים

Two Grandfathers Sing - for flute and string quartet, 1996 [ca. 11’] 

Audio >>

Inter-disciplinary collaboration with BenZaken (selection)  

שיתופי פעולה בינתחומיים עם אתי בן-זקן (דוגמאות אחדות)


Incantation - Video-art, 2020 [ca. 7.5’] 

Video >>

Audio on Spotify >>

Audio on BandCamp >>

משלחת חיפוש 220

Search Expedition 220 Chamber opera, 2019 [ca. 60’] 

Text: multi-lingual fragments edited by Etty BenZaken

Video - excerpt >>

Video - full >>

סגולה להרחבת הלב

Amulet for the Widening of the Heart - installation, 2015 [loop of 30’] 

Video - excerpt 1 >>

Video - excerpt 2 >>

Audio - full >>

© Eitan Steinberg & Etty BenZaken | Last updated: December 2024 | Site design: Dina Konson

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