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Video Library
ספריית וידאו

This page starts with 9 videos of our choice. After them - the full library. You can go directly to the full library >> 

דף זה מתחיל עם 9 סרטונים לדוגמא. אחריהם - ספריית הווידאו המלאה. אפשר גם לעבור ישר לספרייה המלאה >>

"Search Expedition 220" - Chamber Opera by Steinberg & BenZaken (60 min., 2019). 

"משלחת חיפוש 220" - אופרה קאמרית מאת שטיינברג ובן-זקן (55 דקות, 2019). 

Eitan Steinberg's "Stabat Mater - a Human Prayer" (concert version) sung by Etty BenZaken with Iberi Quartet (30 min., 2013). 

איתן שטיינברג: "סטאבט מאטר - תפילה אנושית" (גרסה קונצרטנטית) בביצוע אתי בן-זקן, עם רביעיית איברי (30 ד', 2013) .

Eitan Steinberg's "Sod Hakavana" for 6 choirs and percussion ensemble. Conductor: Andres Mustonen (30 min., 2018). 

איתן שטיינברג: "סוד הכוונה" ל-6 מקהלות ואנסמבל כלי-הקשה. מנצח: אנדרס מוסטונן (30 דקות, 2018). 

Ladino concert celebrating the 20th anniversary of Steinberg -BenZaken Ladino project. Performed by BenZaken & Modalius Ensemble. Conductor: Eitan Steinberg (90 min., 2018).

מופע לאדינו: יום הולדת 20 לפרויקט הלאדינו של שטיינברג ובן-זקן. בביצוע אתי בן-זקו ואנסמבל מודאליוס. מנצח: איתן שטיינברג (90 דקות, 2018). 

Etty BenZaken sings Josef Bardanashvili's "Yearning." With Tbilisi Symphony. Conductor: Vakhtang Kakhidze (First movement, 5 min., 2008). 

אתי בן-זקן מבצעת את "כמיהה" מאת יוסף ברדנשוילי, עם הסימפונית טביליסי בניצוח וכטאנג קחידזה (פרק ראשון, 5 דקות, 2008). 

Etty BenZaken performs her own vocal work "Working Wonders" (4 min., 2014). 

אתי בן-זקן ביצירתה "עושה פלא" (4 דקות, 2014). 

Etty BenZaken interviewed by Avigail Arenheim at the Felicja Blumental Center, Tel Aviv. (Hebrew, 30 min., 2020). 

אביגיל ארנהיים מראיינת את אתי בן-זקן (30 דקות, 2020). 

A short video about Eitan Steinberg upon receiving Israel's Prime Minister's Composers Prize (3 min., 2007). 

סרט קצר על איתן שטיינברג עם זכייתו בפרס ראש הממשלה (3 דקות, 2007).

A short selection clip from Steinberg-BenZaken's project "Joy" with Modalius Ensemble (3 min., 2014). 

קליפ-מבחר מפרויקט "שמחה" עם אנסמבל מודאליוס (3 דקות, 2014).

Full categorized video library
ספריית הווידאו המלאה, לפי נושאים
1. BenZaken & Steinberg: Interdisciplinary works together (by recording year) 
1. בן-זקן ושטיינברג: יצירות בינתחומיות משותפות (לפי שנת ההקלטה)

2020 - "Incantation" video work by BenZaken (video) & Steinberg (music) >> 
2019 - "
Search Expedition 220" (Excerpt) Chamber opera by Steinberg (music) & BenZaken (directing, design) >>
2019 - "Search Expedition 220" (Full show) >>  
2019 - "Amulet for the Widening of the Heart" (excerpt, Haifa) Installation by Steinberg (music) and BenZaken (Fabric art-works)  >>
2015 - "Amulet for the Widening of The Heart" (excerpt, Jerusalem) >>
2008 - "Stabat Mater - a Human Prayer" (excerpt) Music-Theater by Steinberg (music) and BenZaken (directing, design, text) >>
- "Stabat Mater - a Human Prayer" (full show) >>
2006 - "The Fool Who Loved Singing" (excerpt) Music-Theater by Steinberg (music) & BenZaken (directing, design, text) >>
2006 -
"The Fool who Loved Singing" (full show) >>
2002 - "The Sultan is Pregnant" (excerpt) Music-Theater by Steinberg (music) and BenZaken (directing, design, text) >>  
2002 - "The Sultan is Pregnant" (excerpt 2) >>
2002 - "The Sultan is Pregnant" (full show) >>
Etty BenZaken's theatrical works  
for Jewish & Arab students at the University of Haifa,
with Steinberg as music director:

2012 - "The Merry Fishermen's Island" (excerpt) >>
2012 - 
"The Merry Fishermen's Island" (full show) >>
2011 - "Fabric Stories" (Excerpts):
Scene 2 (Ramadan) >>  Scene 4 (Kalabok) >>  Scene 5 (three tales of saints) >>  Scene 6 (tales of  beggars, and a tale about the name Lama) >>  Scene 7 (The jaw and the demon) >> Scene 8 (Graveyard tale) >>  Scene 9 (The bird and the dog, and a tale about the name Batat) >>  Scene 10 (Taljatele) >>  Scene 11 (The huge watermelon) >>  Scene 14 (Opening the destinies quilt) >>

2. Steinberg's music sung by BenZaken (by recording year)
2. מוסיקה של שטיינברג בביצוע בן-זקן (לפי שנת ההקלטה) 
3. Eitan Steinberg's music performed by various artists (by recording year) 
3. מוסיקה של שטיינברג בביצוע אמנים שונים (לפי שנת ההקלטה)

2023 - "A Narrative Evolves in Time-Space" for string quartet >>
2023 - "Two Grandfathers Sing" for flute and string quartet >>
2023 - "Air Plays Water" for bass-flute & electronics >>
2022 - 
"א שפליטער פון אין סוף" "A Splinter of Infinity" for 3 male voices & ensemble >>
- "Circular Waves" wind quintet >>
2021 - "Conversations in the 9th Person" for ensemble >>
2021 - "Talk Talk Talk" string trio >>
2021 -
"Air Drawings" for bass clarinet >>
- "Tenderly Looking Over the Path" for piano solo >>

2021 - "Four Pictures for Solo Guitar" >>
2021 - "Angel's Steps" for piano solo >>
2021 - 
"Miniature" for harpsicord >>
2018 "Sod Hakavana" for 6 choirs and percussion ensemble >>
2018 - "Bagatella" for ensemble >>
- "Circular Waves" with The Tel Aviv Quintet >>

2015 - "Cosmic Progressions in the Heart II" for ensemble >>
2015 - "Quiet Reflections" for violin & viola, here with Maya Dunsky's choreography "Table of Silence" >>
2014 - Youth string quartet (from 5:36) >>
2014 - Arrangement of an Italian Saltarello >>
2014 - Additional Saltarello arrangement >>
2013 - Viola concerto "The Return to KoenigStrasse" >>
2013 - "Cosmic Progressions in the Heart III" for Symphony orchestra >>
2012 - "Transparent Distance" for organ solo >>
2011 - "Adam-ma" for choir >>
2009"Angel's Steps" for piano solo >>
2002"Two Grandfathers Sing" for flute & string quartet >>
2002 - "Talk Talk Talk" for string trio >>
2002 - "Fragile" for ensemble >>
2002 - "Waltz" for ensemble >>

4. Steinberg's folksongs arrangements sung by BenZaken (with Modalius and others, by recording year)
4. עיבודיו של שטיינברג לשירי-עם, בביצוע בן-זקן (עם מודאליוס ואחרים, לפי שנת ההקלטה) 

2018 - Full Ladino concert, 20th anniversary of BenZaken-Steinberg's Ldino project >>
2018 - "Tres Morillas" (medieval Spanish) >>
2018 - "Hoy Comamos" by Juan del Encina, arranged by Eitan Steinberg (instrumental) >>
2018"A la nana" (Ladino) >>
2018 - "Durme, durme" (Ladino) >>
2018 - "Durme, durme" (Ladino, additional performance) >>
2018 - "Porque no cantas" (Ladino) >>
2017 - Palestinian wedding song >>
2017 - "Frère Jacques" in three languages and three voices >>
2017 - "Soul Cake" (English canon) >>
2017 - Brazilian children song >> 
2017 -
"The Goat and Her Three Babies" (folk tale, סיפור העיזה ושלושת הגדיים) >>
2017 - "Little Louse and Little Flea" (folk tale, סיפור כינונת ופשפשונת) >>
2017 - "Paddy's Lament" (Irish) >>
2016 - "Cucurrucucu Paloma" by Tomas Mendez, Mexico >>
2016 - "Adio Querida" (Ladino) >>
2016 - "The Water is Wide" (English ballad) >>
2016 - "Yir me quero madre" (Ladino, solo) >>
2015Hassidic dance (co-arranged by Steinberg & Sarig Sela) >>
2014 - "The Birch Tree" (Russian) >>
2014 - "Attah El Kabbir" Piyut of the Syrian Jews >>
2014 - "In The Ship" Wedding song from the Jews of Kerala, India >>
2014 - "On The Grass", Juhury folksong >>
2014 Yiddish wedding song >>
2014 - "Ay Mancevo" (Ladino) >>
2014Turkish lullaby (solo) >>
2014 - "Bein Harim" Early Hebrew folksong  >>
2014"Dice la nuestra novia" (Judeo-Spanish) >>
2014 - "Bre Sarika" (Ladino) >>
2014 - "Ei saa mitte" (Estonian) >>
2014 - Simoltaneous arrangement of two folksongs (Yiidish & Hekitia) >>
2014 - "Tam-Ganeden-Nign" (Yiddish) >>
2009"The water is wide" English ballad >>
2008"Girineldo" (Judeo-Spanish) >>
2006"Panjelik Manjelik" (Armenian) >>
2006"La vida do por el raqui" (Ladino) >>
2006"Una hija tiene el rey" (Ladino) >>
2006 - Arabic Christian prayer (solo voice) >>
 - "Moyshe Mandaberke" (folk tale, סיפור מויישה מאנדברקה) >>
2002"Dos amantes" (Ladino) >>
2002"El rey de Francia" (Ladino) >>
2002 - Full Ladino concert, (full show, part 1) >>
2002 - Full Ladino concert, (full show, part 2) >>
1999 - Viva Ordueny (Judeo-Spanish) >>
Folk tales without musical arrangement:
2006 - "The Pot Who Gave Birth" (סיפור הסיר שילד) >>
2006  - "A Tale of Three Wizemen" (סיפור שלושת החכמים) >>
2006 - "The Love Medicine" (סיפור תרופת האהבה) >>
2006 - "The Rabbi and the boatman" (סיפור הרב והספן) >>
2006 - A tale about the fool's and the snow (סיפור השוטים והשלג) >>

5. BenZaken sings various composers (by recording year) 
5. בן-זקן ביצירות של מלחינים שונים (לפי שנת ההקלטה)

2021 - Oded Zehavi - "Bamilim" >>
Amos Elkana - "Why Do You Sleep" >>
2020 - Yuval Shay-El - "Physis" >>

2019 - Ma'ayan Tsadka - "HOUEYIA" >>
2019 - Full concert of contemporary works & folksongs >>
2019 - Georges Aperghis - "Recitation 8" for solo voice (excerpt) >>
2019 - Short pieces by 12 MA Composition students, The University of Haifa >>
2017 - Sara Shoham - "Identity Issues" with Modalius conducted by Steinberg >>
2017 - Hagar Kadima - "Parable," with Modalius conducted by Steinberg >>
2017 - Guy Ben-Tov - "Va'Yissa Meshallo Va'Yomar," with Modalius conducted by Steinberg >>
2016 - Luciano Berio - "Sequenza III" (excerpt) >>

2016 - Shiri Riseman - "Bauchi," with Modalius conducted by Steinberg >>
2016 - Yuval Shay-El - "And you are to love those who are foreigners," with Modalius conducted by Steinberg >>
2016 - Ido Akov - "The Leopard's Skin," with Modalius conducted by Steinberg >>
2016 - Uri Netanel - "Africa," with Modalius conducted by Steinberg >>
2015 - "Yona" - Anonymous 18th century, with Modalius conducted by Steinberg >>
2013Hagar Kadima - "A Woman Is Not" >>
2012Josef Bardanashvili - "Yearning" (3rd movement, in Estonia) >>
2011 Hagar Kadima - "Stop" >>
2010Alex Waserman - "Last Poems" >>
2010 - Yossi Mar-Chaim - "Wall of Joy" >>
2010Oded Zehavi - "The Blessing" >>
2009John Dowland - "Sweet, Stay a While" >>
2008 Josef Bardanashvili - "Yearning" (in Georgia, 3rd movement) >>
2007 - Noa Blass - "Five Poems by Hadassa Tal" >>
2006 - Works by Israeli women composers, for voice artists Etty BenZaken & Anat Pick:
Chen Vagner "מקצבים צרקדיים" (beginig of the recording, and then at 47:00) >>
Hagar Kadima "עלי להיות פשוט" (at 5:15) >>
Alona Epstein "קריאות" (at 20:51) >>
Sivan Cohen-Elias "Table, Wine & Shtekede" (at 29:20) >>
Noa Blass "קינים והגה והי" (at 50:45) >>
2003 - Tsippi Fleischer - "Saga Portait" >>
2003 - Rajmil Fischman - "Drills in Practical Hebrew" >>
1991 - Yossi Mar Chaim - "The Flutes' Fountain" & "Wall of Joy" >>

6. Etty BenZaken's vocal works, sound works, improvisations (by recording year)
6. יצירות קוליות של בן-זקן, עבודות סאונד, אילתור (לפי שנת ההקלטה) 
7. Etty BenZaken - interviews, lectures (by recording year) 
7. אתי בן-זקן - ראיונות, הרצאות (לפי שנת ההקלטה)
8. Eitan Steinberg - Interviews, lectures, prizes (by recording year)
8. איתן שטיינברג - ראיונות, הרצאות, פרסים (לפי שנת ההקלטה) 
9. Selection clips, TV items, Radio programs (by recording year) 
9. סרטוני דוגמא קצרים, כתבות טלוויזיה, תכניות רדיו (לפי שנת ההקלטה)

© Eitan Steinberg & Etty BenZaken | Last updated: December 2024 | Site design: Dina Konson

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